Strategic Sales

Enabling outstanding customer experiences and sales effectiveness

This page seeks to help business leaders apply effective strategic sales by offering step by step advice on the entire sales process. From connecting with high-probability leads to the moment of sale.

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What is strategic sales?

Strategic sales is a seamless extension of the relationship that has been developed with a prospect through lead nurturing activity.

Strategic sales seeks to achieve business objectives through strategic alignment of an integrated sales and marketing process. It takes leads made warm through effective marketing and provides an experience matched to the buyer's expectations. It’s all about providing an outstanding customer experience through relevance and timeliness, which ensures that the right qualified leads do business with you.

When combined with sales automation systems, it unlocks new levels of sales productivity.  

Businesses who apply to operate a strategic sales process are rewarded with greater efficiency and larger returns.

This page seeks to help business leaders apply strategy to their sales by offering step by step advice on the entire sales process. This page is packed full of sales tips. If you would like to download the 2020 Complete Guide to Marketing and Sales Effectiveness click here.

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Sales enablement

Sales enablement?

Sales enablement is the process of providing your sales team with information,
content, knowledge, tools and resources that make them more effective.
The ultimate aim is to increase sales conversion, efficiency and effectiveness while simultaneously creating outstanding customer experiences.

Sales process

Sales Process

The sales process should be built around your customer journey, from the first contact to sale and repeat purchase.
This alone is a vital element in creating effective marketing and positive engagement between sales and marketing teams.
The sales process helps your business focus on the critical moments of truth that add value to the customer experience and what your company does at these key stages.

Is your business helping or selling?

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Standardised reporting

Today, knowing a salesperson’s sales result is not sufficient.
Your business needs to understand the new business pipeline and the activity employed to attain the required results.

This can include:

  • Sales activity logging
  • Leads worked - client contact and meetings
  • Deal stage reporting 
  • Deals won and lost
  • Conversion rates

Lead qualification

Effective marketing is guided in part by the quality of leads passed to the sales team. Marketing teams that use lead scoring do so to determine the most effective time to give individual leads to sales. The sales team then seeks to make contact with the lead and assess their readiness to enter into a sales conversation. Your business should aim to reach a high level of sales qualification from marketing-generated leads. The effectiveness of this can have a substantial impact on sales productivity

Lead qualification

Sales content and knowledge

Salespeople need ready access to high quality content to share with leads and customers. Resources such as product or service information, technical details and help articles. When this type of information is easily accessible and shareable, the salesperson becomes more productive, and the customer experience is better.



Sales content and knowledge
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Email templates

Email templates that align with specific stages of the sales process are great time savers. They are optimised for effectiveness and can be customised and personalised. They can also have attachments automatically added.

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An emerging area of effectiveness in customer engagement during the sales process is one-to-one video.
Put simply; it improves the chances of obtaining a customer response when phone calls have not worked. 


Sales automation provides a high impact way to increase sales productivity.

It can include:

  • Lead allocation
  • Task allocation and lists
  • Automated sequences that trigger tasks, emails and texts for use at various stages of the sales process.


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Systems and technology

The level of data and detail required to operate an effective sales organisation are complex. Salespeople and their management often need to use many platforms and tools to execute their work and to measure, not just results, but pipeline progress.

To gain an end-to-end view of your customer journey requires the integration of multiple process and data sources and the management of many tools. If these systems are not well organised or compliance is poor, productivity can plummet.

Thankfully, there are tools available today to integrate the execution of both sales and marketing programs, along with an end-to-end view of your customer. Today’s technology is mature, stable, easy to use and very affordable. In fact, the cost of entry is insignificant when compared to the gains in efficiency they offer. The most crucial part is ensuring that the platforms are well implemented. 

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